Italian quality is the heart of our business

Italian quality is the heart of our business

Made in Italy is, for Innovita, a driving force for growth and development that has allowed us to make a difference. We represent Italy in every way. Our products, our spirit, our lifestyle, our emotions - they are Made in Italy. The expression "Made in Italy" promises quality and gives life to a shared sense of Italian identity, reminding us of values such as beauty, culture, and sophistication. In the field of heating and the production of domestic hot water, the market demands essential, efficient, and easy-to-install and maintain products. However, in such a competitive industry populated by global brands, it would have been difficult to stand out and seize opportunities without offering quality, reliability, and attention to detail. That's why we have chosen the path of Made in Italy. This has created employment opportunities for the youth in our region, laid the foundation for a new dialogue with wholesalers and installers, and resulted in increased sales in the medium to long term.

#MadeInItaly #MadeInLecco #FattoInItalia #ItalianQuality

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